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Karber vaten:Seyidxan

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Wikipediya, ensiklopediya xosere ra
Gamê verêni
  • Şıma xeyr ameyê Wikipediyaya Zazaki! :-)
  • Her çi ra raver, ma şıma ra reca kenime ke, nuşte û meqaleyanê xo be Zazakiyê pak û zelali bınusê.
  • Şıma rê zehmet, meqaleyanê xo be Zazakiyo Standard û Alfabeyê Wareyi bınusê. Labelê, êyê ke wazenê, şenê be Alfabeyê Bedırxani zi bınusê.
  • Eke şıma Zazakiyo Standard nêzanenê, şenê be Zazakiyê dewa xo bınusê. Labelê, Zazakiyê dewa xo gani 'raşt' bınusê.
  • Wikipediyaya Zazaki de vandalizm, heqaretkerdene tometa! Karberê ke çiyanê wınasiyan kenê, Wikipediya ra yenê teberkerdış.
  • Naye xo vira mekerê: Semedê (qandê, seba) Wikipediya de nuştene, zaf teknik û marifeto hewl lazım niyo. Eke şıma pelanê Wikipediya de bıgeyrê û tayê qurdi kerê, şenê xeylê çi bımusê.
  • Heto bin ra, şıma key ke meqale nusenê ya zi vurnenê, kesi ra metersê! Tiya Wikiyo. Labelê, şıma nuşteyanê xo de gani ca bıdê çımeyanê objektifan.
  • Nuşteyanê xo de, haydarê nuxte û virgulan vınderê (diqet kerê), û nuxta ya zi virgule dıma çekuyan miyan de tayê (hebê) mabeyn cı dê.
  • Eke şıma çım bıerzê pela kategoriya Gramerê Zazaki, tayêna rınd şenê Zazaki bınusê.
  • Bınê her meqale de, kategoriyanê nuşteyi bınusê. Anciya, eke nuşteyê şıma zıwananê binan de esto, wa gıre bıdê zıwananê binan.
  • Ma wazenime ke şıma heta peyniye peşti bıdê Wikipediya Zazaki û tede bınusê. Çunke, no proce semedê (qandê, seba) zıwanê ma Zazaki zaf hewl û muhimo.
  • Semedê (qandê, seba) iştırakanê şıma, nıka ra berxudar bê, weş u war bê! İştırakê şıma tım daim bê.
Kami ra pers bıkêri, kami ra peşti bıgêri?

Sistemê gurenayışê Wikipediya sero eke şıma wazenê zanayışê xo hera kerê ya zi cewabê yew persi bımusê, şıma şenê nê perranê bınênan de seyr kerê:

Note. Takabeg (mesac) 11:50, 3 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Zazaki names[çımeyi bıvurne]

Thank you for your efforts (copy from Kurdish Wikipedia :)). But here is not Kurdish Wikipedia. Please use names in Zazaki. Cheers. Takabeg (mesac) 12:36, 3 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Sexidxan is the same person who created the template in Kurdish Wikipedia.So, he didnt copy!—Gomadapeyam 17:06, 6 Adare 2013 (UTC)

According to the official website of Ilcalar Beldesi, ılıcalar eskiden beri olan güzel bie yerleşme yeridir bundan dolayı ılıcalar bingöl acısından öenmli bir yerdir However, it doesn't say that the name of belde was/is Kös (Kos). Cheers. Takabeg (mesac) 14:27, 3 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Hoşkar Mahallesi (Xoşkar) is nothing but one of the quarters of Sancak Beldesi. Takabeg (mesac) 14:37, 3 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Xer ame, xer hati[çımeyi bıvurne]

Bira ti xer ame. Kisur ma mevin. Takabeg itiya de ingilki nuseno. Labela, eka yew ixtiyace ti bibi, mi ra vaj. --Xosere (mesac) 18:19, 3 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Kerem ke, tiya be alfabeyê Zazaki bınuse. Nê ke heni nêkenay wa tiya ra dûri vınde. No çı kayo? No çı inadê Yezidio? Na çı inkariya? Mı fehm nêkerd. Nameyê yew mıleti ke Zazayo. Zıwanê yew mıleti ke Zazakiyo. Kırmanc u Kurmanc, Kırd u Kurd ya zi Kırmancki u Kurmancki, Kırdki u Kurdki miyan de çı ferq maneno? Şarê teberi endi be şıma huyeno. Ma tiya siyaset u mıletsiniye (nasyonalizm) nêkenime u tenya zıwani sero guriyenime. Zazaki zıwanê do xosero u Kurdki niyo. Kam ke xo Kurd vêneno, wa şêro Kurdki sero bıguriyo u qarışê Zazaki mebo. Endi kerdışê şıma bes niyo, tornê Yezid u Mewrani?! Şıma ke Zazaki rê destek nêbenê, wa kostek mebên! -- Mirzali (mesac)

Do you realize what you're saying, Mirzali??I am not denying anyone.they are definitely not my thoughts of you.yes Zaza pronunciation is not good.I have not insulted you deserve that behavior.What do you mean grandson of Yazid and Marwan child doll these words?what is this rage?
Sorry, but it makes me crazy. We clean for months the crap of Erdemaslancan. Now you and Xosere come with Kurdish alphabet. He also encourages you to do so. There's this Kurd Gomada who put also his two cents and mixed in everywhere. This is a Zazaki project and not Kurdish. As long as there is no Kurdish racism and ignoring the rules and Zazaki regulations are observed, I have no problems with anyone. I apologize for my harsh anger. I hope for a good cooperation with respect to the rules of this project. -- Mirzali (mesac)
who makes the decision that which alphabet should be used? you? There is no widely used alphabet, except the one used by Vate. You Zazacilar have four five different alphabets. You cannot dictate certain words and alphabets on people --Xosere (mesac) 06:35, 6 Adare 2013 (UTC)
@ Xosere: You're not in my caliber to discuss with you rationally. So don't mix in everywhere, you and your supposedly good friend Gomada. With you is just defiance, such as a child. You run "Kürtçülük" with only one letter difference like "ı" and "u" as in "Kırd" and "Kurd". It is one and the same word. It's just a play on words that the Kurds play out politically. This has nothing to do with truth and science. Investigate your own origin history, then you will understand it better. When I get out skidding with the truth, I will promptly stamped as "Zazacı". Is'nt it so? This is just too ridiculous. Anyway, I have nothing to do with "-cı" or "-cılık". I'm a Zaza. No more and no less. If you could master the Zazaki language throughout the complete, you might as well think differently. Believe me! And quit spreading untruths. Instead, learn your native language better, because your knowledge is insufficient and very catastrophic. Your supposed knowledge is only from hearsay, and even that is still mostly wrong. You have no knowledge of literature. -- Mirzali (mesac)

Ma be xêr bira, bivîne.—Gomadapeyam 17:06, 6 Adare 2013 (UTC)

As i understood, your Zazaki is not so good. Therefore, maybe you didnt understand my message in discussion portal. We discuss there about Mirzali's adminship. Nobody can insult people as Mirzali insulted you above and insulted Xosere, and me. Admins should be objective, but he didnt behave nice to users. Therefore, we reported him and we dont want him to be admin anymore. He can be a normal user, so he cant block anybody.Therefore, opinion of all users are important. You can write your opinion to Wikipedia:Portalê cemaeti#Heqeretê Mirzali yê ke karberan ra kerdê ser.Thanks.—Gomadapeyam 15:31, 10 Adare 2013 (UTC)

İlham Binici[çımeyi bıvurne]

Selam Seyidxan. I think this file is better (but not so fine :)). Takabeg (mesac) 21:25, 9 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Good job ! Takabeg (mesac) 21:37, 9 Adare 2013 (UTC)

İlhami Sertkaya[çımeyi bıvurne]

Do you know the birth date of İlhami Sertkaya ? Takabeg (mesac) 21:44, 9 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Sûkanê bırayê Anqara[çımeyi bıvurne]

Ankaranın kardeş şehirleri :)) Takabeg (mesac) 22:29, 11 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Şablon:Done Anqara. Takabeg (mesac) 04:03, 12 Adare 2013 (UTC)

I think we need en:Template:Infobox Province TR. Could you create Zazaki version ? Takabeg (mesac) 04:03, 12 Adare 2013 (UTC)

Bundan dolayi demistim, "Province TR" 'nin gerekli oldugunu. Madde il ile ilgili olup serdar butun ilin serdar degildir, sadece Çolig'in serdarı. Anlatabildim mi ? Takabeg (mesac) 16:45, 17 Adare 2013 (UTC)